Monday, July 21, 2008


As we start off our lives together........with the posibilities of growing old together......with the possibilities of little ones and creating a seems even more reasonable to ponder the possibilities of how can we make a difference with our Wedding and Honeymoon?

In this post we would like to consider some of the creative and standard ways we can make a difference for the community and the world as we embark together to make our new lives together.

Some ideas:

1. Use a facility that is GREEN GLOBE APPROVED and CERTIFIED!
Sandals and Beaches along with some other locations are

The following groups have achieved Gold Certification as a reward for five years of continuous effort to improve the quality of the environment in which they operate. All of the below operators are an important example of the role business can play in bettering the communities in which they do business. The Green Globe team would like to take the opportunity to thank each of these organisations for their commitment to sustainability. Their dedication ensures that future generations will continue to enjoy the natural and cultural wonders of the world.
Beaches Sandy Bay, Turks and Caicos
Sandals Halcyon Beach, St Lucia
Sandals Montego Bay, Jamaica
Sandals Royal Caribbean, Jamaica
Negril Gardens Beach Resort, Jamaica
To find out more information on these groups, simply click on the property name.

2. Use natural light periods for your wedding instead of night time periods which require more artificial light use. This will also help with your pictures and videography of the wedding festivities.
3. Use local vendors for catering, photography, DJ's, decorators, and other services for your wedding as this will use less fuel and inturn leave a smaller carbon footprint for your event.
4. Use group travel for your guests when possible as this leads to less congestion and fuel consumption on the road, but also a safer and potentially a more enjoyable occassion for the guest who do travel together. This will also help with the responsible vendor issues as most occassions do have an opportunity for the guests to invibe.
5. Use reusable, silk, limited flowers, or flowers of the season to be more earth friendly.
6. Use a location that already has wonderful beauty that does not need as much transformation decorating.
7. Choose a time of year that lends itself to cooler or warmer period where as to not require as much heating or cooling from the venue you choose.
8. If you are going off for the Honeymoon, a larger jet for traveling long distances is more efficient than using smaller aircraft.
9. Choose a destination for the wedding or honeymoon that uses recycled water for irrigation as this is very important as to preserving our freshwater sources.
10. If you use a limo service and do not need a 12-16 passenger limo, select a smaller one that is more energy efficient for you and your spouse. Where this is the opposite is where you use the limo to move all of the wedding party. Match this to your needs to get the best eco friendly result.
11. Use recycled paper products when availale for stationary, annoucements, invitations, and thank you notes. Some people are all wired for e-tations and so forth. Use of this eliminates the paper thing completely.

Give us your ideas so we can pass them along and allow all of use to be a part of the solution.


Matt Ellis said...

Its about being aware of how we impact the world, our fellow humans, the plants and animals, our oceans, and our air. Thanks for bringing up these great ideas for brides and for vendors to consider as well.

Matt Ellis

travel administrator said...

All Sandals & Beaches Resorts have been awarded the coveted Green Globe Award for environmental stewardship. From recycling to conserving, ecological responsiveness is a Sandals commitment. Because at the resorts made for love, loving the environment has become second nature.

All our Resorts are Green Globe Certified Our mission is to offer the ultimate Caribbean vacation experience by innovatively, reliably and consistently providing the safest and highest quality services and facilities to guests, while attaching a premium to our human resources and being among the most environmentally responsible and community friendly groups in the hospitality industry.

Sound Environmental Practices
Staff Awareness

Team members, participation in workshops and seminars conducted by the environmental committee, local government organizations, and also by non-governmental environmental organizations.

Water Conservation Program

Monitoring of total water use on property ( pools, guestrooms, kitchen, dining room and garden areas).

Energy Management Program

Use of timers on electrical equipment such as; Jacuzzi blowers, steam rooms at the Spa, outdoor lighting for walkways, refrigeration equipment in the kitchens, etc.

Waste Management Program

Waste disposal practices and procedures at the hotel such as recycle of linen and bed spreads, food, office paper, and packages.

Control of Hazardous Substances

Hotel determines suitability of product before any purchase is made and provide full training for staff whenever new chemicals or equipment are purchased for use in the hotel

Social & Cultural Development & Interaction

Promoting and selling local tours and attractions with special recognition of “Green tours” at the tour desks.
Inviting local craft vendors to the hotel at least once per week to display and sell their craft items

Unknown said...

Check out to find out what flowers are in season. You can also find their symbolism.

travel administrator said...

You might not be aware of this, Travel by Horizon has fully wrapped H3 HUMMERS that even as an SUV get 20 miles to the gallon. We are very pleased as these are eye catching HUMMERS that are relatively eco friendly too!